Škola bontona gospođice Blanche
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Au Pair a specialist in elementary training for neonates; basic vampire survival and etiquette, Discipline use and Masquerade preservation skills.
Au Pairs are often called upon to verify that an Invictus childe is ready to be considered a responsible member of the community and, if necessary, to “work out” any unacceptable opinions or habits the neonate has accumulated in her mortal life.
Bonton, protokol i lijepo vladanje - u Prvoj Kući definitivno postoji ispravan i pogrešan način ponašanja.
Bez imalo pretjerivanja, članovi Invictusa su smrtno ozbiljni po pitanju svog bontona. Samo lijepo ponašanje neće uzdići ugled vampira u Invictusu, ali onaj koji ne nauči kodekse ponašanja nikada neće dobiti nikakav čin ili poštovanje, bez obzira na njegova postignuća.
Tituliranje, svečana odjeća, nijanse naklona, pokloni i drugi mali društveni rituali način su da se pokaže poštovanje prema drugom vampiru, svoju poziciju u društvu ili čak (ne)svjesno uputi izazov!
Vaše vrijeme da postanete punokrvni članovi Invictusa je stiglo, sve što je još potrebno je da uspješno odradite večeru koju vam je vaša Au Pair, gospođica Blanche, odabrala za završni ispit.
Večera će se održati na imanju Redwood čiji je trenutni vlasnik Hercule De Sang, nedavno probuđeni stariješina malo specifičnih navika.
Igra se odvija 1922. godine u New Orleansu, a igrači će igrati mlade vampire čiji je zadatak što vještije manevrirati neobičnim društvenim normama vampirskog svijeta.
Poznavanje mehanike V:tR nije potrebno, a sve rasne i rodne diskriminacije povijesnog perioda u kojem se igra bit će izostavljene iz igre.
Vampire the Requiem je igra o vampirima i kao takva je priča o nemrtvim predatorima, degradirajućeg morala, tako da može sadržavati uznemirujuće scene.
Na kraju igre koristiti će se Stars&Wishes mehanika.
Welcome to the Danse Macabre
Since time immemorial, the Kindred - vampires - have stalked their prey, unseen by the mortal masses. Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism. And you would join them? You would live forever? To play the lusts of mortals like a violinist plays the strings? Then beware, the price is steep to enter the neofeudal hell that the Damned have wrought.
Vampire: the Requiem is a personal horror story about undead predators who are caught between mourning their humanity and reveling in damnation. These vampires, Kindred, have characteristics, powers and weakness that fuel all the familiar myths but - true to World of Darkness theme - that's never the full story.
Vampires: blood-drinking creatures of the night. Horrors born of darkness, whose sole purpose in life — unlife, actually — is to slake their unholy thirst on the blood of the living. Without doubt, vampires are monsters.
Monsters, though, need not always be unthinking, unfeeling terrors empty of remorse, or even compassion or other human traits. Indeed, vampires can exceed their deathless curse, themselves becoming antiheroes or even heroes. Then again, some vampires truly remain monsters.
This is the purpose of Vampire: The Requiem. A Modern Gothic Storytelling game that allows you to explore morality through the metaphor of vampirism. In Vampire, you “play the monster,” and what you do as that monster both makes for an interesting story and might even teach you a little about your own values and those of your fellows.