Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

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Tek smo nedavno stigli na ovaj ledeni kontinent, a na svakom nas koraku Borean tundre susreću samo
Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises. The wide eyes of a seemingly innocent child my hide a thirst for blood; the bright colors and lively steps of a Vistani dancer are no more than a front for thievery and murder.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises.
Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises. The wide eyes of a seemingly innocent child my hide a thirst for blood; the bright colors and lively steps of a Vistani dancer are no more than a front for thievery and murder.
Popunjeno 4/5 mjesta
Scena 3.
(...) I kunem se prokletim Maglama i krvlju svojte - prokleta bila ako dopustim da se išta dogodi mojoj obitelji!
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
"Director, the Silent Chorus activity is on the rise. We are detecting breaches on new worlds now. It seems Krynn is of particular interest to the enemy and we should send a task force to counter them."