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Abydos - zaboravljena nekropola. Mjesto gdje mrtvi hodaju uz žive a njive oru horde kostura, hraneći one koji dišu - žitelje i stanovnike Abydosa.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Abydos - zaboravljena nekropola. Mjesto gdje mrtvi hodaju uz žive a njive oru horde kostura, hraneći one koji dišu - žitelje i stanovnike Abydosa.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Abydos - zaboravljena nekropola. Heretična enklava lazaritske vjere, grad izgrađen na otoku usred jezera koje je iskrižano i izbrisano iz svih zemljopisnih karti Ytarrie. Mjesto gdje mrtvi hodaju uz žive a njive oru horde kostura, hraneći one koji dišu - žitelje i stanovnike Abydosa.
Red i mir u gradu čuva Gavranska straža, elitna postrojba bojnih čarobnica koje vladaju umijećem nekromancije, te uz pomoć nekolicine cehova, lazaritske crkve i sjevernjačke garde čivaju red i mir u gradu.
Popunjeno 1/4 mjesta
Of course the world ends, you did this to us. When the ice melted you said nothing. When the plague spread you did nothing. When the stars dropped you became nothing.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Ljeto, 1979.
Suradnik Legije u Istanbulu slučajno je presreo šifriranu poruku preko kratkovalnog prijemnika i prepoznao kodno ime agenta Legije, no nije uspio dešifrirati samu poruku. Proslijeđuje ju u dvorac, gdje obavještajci otkrivaju da poruka koristi šifre iz Drugog svjetskog rata i da se taj agent preko 30 godina smatrao nestalim.
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Dio ste jedne avanturističke kompanije u Azerothu koja se bavi primarno poslovima Horde. Dolazite iz različitih dijelova Azerotha ali vaša odanost prema Hordi vas tjera da radite zajedno.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts. What at first seemed to be a mere coincidence has now brought a hefty amount of attention to Dana Town Police Department, who have even gone far enough to hire out additional specialists to help the police crack this mysterious case. If this is merely coincidental, the public has nothing to worry about. However, the captain of the Police Department has a hunch the police is dealing with something far more serious than a suicide wave.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.