In 19th century France life is a day to day struggle. Wars, revolutions, disease, famine and crime h

The year is 1964, North Vietnamese naval vessels attack two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonki

The year is 1985. Series of inexplicable suicides have disturbed the carefree and easygoing everyday life of the town of Dana, Massachusetts.

The year is 1964, North Vietnamese naval vessels attack two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonki

Dobrodošli u gradić Paradise. Svi se pripremaju za ovogodišnju noć vještica, pa i vi.

Boston, Massachusetts, 1931. A man close to you—father, business partner, informant, friend—has

The Legion is in retreat following a failed battle against the armies of the undead. You are a member of the Legion, your bonds to one another forged in the dark by bone and blood.

The Legion is in retreat following a failed battle against the armies of the undead. You are a member of the Legion, your bonds to one another forged in the dark by bone and blood.

Vrijeme je rata, a vi ste duboko unutar Sovjetskog Saveza, negdje u srcu Bjelorusije.

Godina je 1985. Niz neobjašnjivih samoubojstava uzdrmao je mir i spokoj ruralnog gradića Dana, smještenog u samom srcu Massachusettsa.

Ove godine kao i svake u malenom gradiću Paradise lokalna srednja škola organizira tulum za noć vještica. Vi, kao i svi ostali, jedva čekate ovu neponovljivu zabavu.

“Telegrafski ured u Zagrebu zaprimio je u podne brzojav upućen Vama. Vaše prisustvo traženo je od Vašeg prijatelja Ljubomira Novakovića u Odjeljenju Beogradske državne bolnice za duševne bolesti u Moslavini – Popovača.”

"Many, many years ago, before the white man came to this part of the world, there was a great tribe of wind-walkers who dominated this land and ran it like an ice-ridden empire. The mightiest among these was a shaman who fought a terrible evil spirit..."