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Vaša se priča odvija u Gradu Ilirienu, dragulju svijeta, zavisti svih van njegovih zidina. Situiran na obali, blagoslovljen blagom klimom i dubokim lukama, Iliren je zasluženo postao centar kulture, umjetnosti, tehnologije i duhovnosti. Na vrhu cijele hijerarhije stoje Velike Kuće, centri moći, bogastva, i raskoša. Vi imate sreću, ili ste pak pokazali dovoljan talent, biti zaposlenici jedne od tih Kuća. Istina, najmlađe i najmanje prestižne među njima, no i to vam dopušta život u blagostanju nezamislivom većini.
Ipak, ispod luksuzne odjeće, opulentnih balova, bespotrebno kompliciranih romansi i finih riječi kriju se oštrice. Ne uvijek doslovno, naravno, ali ponekad i prava riječ izrečena u pravo vrijeme može napraviti više štete nego najoštriji mač. Velike Kuće upletene su u neprestanu i zapletenu igru prijestolja, gdje samo jedna može biti prva među jednakima.
I upravo ovdje vi ulazite u igru. Vrijeme je za obući svoju najbolju opravu i navigirati kroz spletke na zabavama i slatkoriječiva lažna obećanja. Cilj je jednostavan - kao agenti jedne od Velikih Kuća, trebate osigurati da na kraju dana ona bude na vrhu, a ostale završe siromašnije i ponižene. Ustinu, život je lijep, ali nitko nikad nije rekao da ne može biti još ljepši.
Court of Blades varijanta je, ili hack, Blades in the Dark sustava, s naglaskom na društvenoj intrizi i kretanju kroz visoko društvo, a sve za dobrobit plemićke kuće čiji ste član.
Poznavanje sustava nije potrebno. Sve što vam treba je olovka, koji list papira, i nekoliko d6.
Likove ćemo napraviti skupa na početku igre, a kroz igru ćemo koristiti X-Card sigurnosni alat.
Court of Blades is a game of politics, magic, romance, and peril. It takes place in a world populated by scheming nobles, unscrupulous court magicians, and dashing duelists.
In Court of Blades, you take on the roles of retainers to a newly risen House of the Esultare in the great city of Ilrien. The Esultare, composed of the six Houses Major, are considered the most powerful families in the Principalities, but amongst them they have their own pecking order. The First Prince sits atop this hierarchy, with each citizen of Ilrien aware of every House’s position within that order.
You have already risen so high. But to secure your place and ensure the House you serve ascends to the highest seat of power in the world, you must learn the secrets of your rival Houses, advance your own House’s agenda, and risk your lives in a renaissance world of duplicity and magic. You are a retainer in a coterie. Powerful, and yet the bottom of the greater family order. Your job is to support the family until it is elected First House. Your private goal is to become a titled part of the family through service, securing your legacy—or perhaps only leaving the world better, or worse, than it was before you.
Can your characters play the Great Game and win it all, or will they fall prey to the machinations of their rivals? Or worse yet, their own human failings.
Inspired by infamous warring families like history's Medicis and Pazzis, Shakespeare's Montagues and Capulets, or Game of Thrones' Starks and Lannisters,