Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

#ODG50 Fantasy

The Convocation is upon us once again.
A new Rune will make itself known within the moon. It calls out to all Runebearers to witness. 
Your Wyrd has accepted the call and travel toward the township of Helgen, where the summoning of the new Rune seems to be drawing you.
You know not what awaits you there, but the repercussions of a Convocation are often world-changing, as they draw in the powerful from every corner of the realm.

Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

Playtest Sci-fi SF space western

Wildspace je igra u izradi s Powered by the Apocalypse sustavom kao bazom. Igra se odvija u post-apokaliptičnom svemiru u kojem igrači igraju raznovrsnu posadu krntije od broda, putuju uokolo i nastoje zaraditi. 

Stilski igra je slična Fireflyu, Star Warsu, špageti vesternima i sličnom. Uglavnom veći naglasak na avanturu i fantastiku, nego na znanstveni dio znanstvene fantastike.