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"Zašto ne zgrabiti užitak odjednom? Koliko često je sreća uništena pripremama, glupim pripremama!"
-- Jane Austen, Razum i osjećaji
Good Society je RPG koji oponaša srce i dušu romana Jane Austen, kao što su Ponos i predrasude, Razum i osjećaji ili Emma. Igrači igraju članove engleskog visokog društva s početka 19. stoljeća.
To je igra o imanjima, balovima, vožnjama u kočiji, ogovaranjima uz čaj i pogledima ispod oka. O kulturnim bogatašima, njihovim dvorskim intrigama, društvenim ambicijama, obiteljskim obavezama i tajnim ljubavima.
U igri je naglasak na kolaborativnom pripovijedanju: kao igrač imate veliku narativnu kontrolu. Stvarajte utjecajne veze, smišljajte i puštajte glasine i koristite tokene da ispunite vlastite ambicije i sabotirate tuđe planove, a možda čak i namjestite koje vjenčanje!
U igri će se koristiti X-Card. Prethodno poznavanje sustav nije potrebno, a igrači će kreirati svoje likove na početku sessiona. U igri se ne koriste kockice, potrebno je samo donijeti olovku i dobru volju.
Postoji i mogućnost igranja online u slučaju pandemije.
Welcome to Good Society, the Jane Austen roleplaying game.
Good Society is a collaborative regency rpg that seeks to capture the heart, and the countenance, of Jane Austen’s work.
It is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden. At least on the surface. Underneath this, just as in Austen’s own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing.
Play the type of characters that captured your imagination in Austen’s books.
Create your own regency character, from a wealthy heir who falls in love with the aloof new arrival, to a charming socialite bent on ruining the reputation of their rivals. Exploit your advantages, connections, and family influence to achieve your secret desire – all while jealously guarding your good name.
Not only that, players in Good Society hold the power to control the story itself, and change it in their favour. Take control of influential connections, create rumour and scandal, and spend tokens to orchestrate balls, carriage accidents, and even marriages.