Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

#oODG 7 5
Science Fantasy

The Planetary Governor of Hesperus IV, Thilo Haass, has rebelled against the Imperium, refusing to pay the tithes due and acknowledging the Emperor as his God. If that wasn't enough to warrant him a slow and painful death, he has also allied with foul, mysterious Xenos, which have equipped his personal army with horrifying, arcane weaponry.

Show him, and the entire sector, what good it does him against a single squad of the Emperor's Finest!

Popunjeno 3/3 mjesta

#oODG 7 5
Cosmic Horror

2009-04-02 0343
Kamp Duga

Nitko u kampu nije doživio da JSOC dovede DEVGRU timove iz različitih operativnih teatara, a kamoli u ovom roku. Niti jedan tim nije imao više od sat vremena prije polaska. Ako već niste nervozni - skupili su u totalu trideset (30) operatera za jednu (1) operaciju.