„Listen up! You're in the Thunderbolts now. The SHIELD administration decided to give you a second chance, to do something useful with your abilities.

Listen up! You're in the Thunderbolts now. The SHIELD administration decided to give you a second chance, to do something useful with your abilities.

Ljeto je, vlada pasja vrućina. Kroz vijugave uličice Crow's Foota prolaze svakakve životinje iz s

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....Građanski rat bjesni galaksijom. Režim Galaktičkog c

Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, ara'nov, aliit, mando'a bal Mand'alor -an vencuyan mhi.
Education and armor, self-defense, our tribe, our language and our leader - all help us survive.

It has been two months exactly since the mirrors above Ganymede got destroyed, and Ganymede itself got plunged into chaos.

Dio ste jedne avanturističke kompanije u Azerothu koja se bavi primarno poslovima Horde. Dolazite iz različitih dijelova Azerotha ali vaša odanost prema Hordi vas tjera da radite zajedno.

Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, ara'nov, aliit, mando'a bal Mand'alor -an vencuyan mhi.
Education and armor, self-defense, our tribe, our language and our leader - all help us survive.
- Resol'nare, the Mandalorian Six Actions

"Many, many years ago, before the white man came to this part of the world, there was a great tribe of wind-walkers who dominated this land and ran it like an ice-ridden empire. The mightiest among these was a shaman who fought a terrible evil spirit..."

„Imate svoje naredbe. Squad leaderi, odvedite svoje trupe. Službeno ime patrole je Patrola broj 224. Dismissed.“

„Imate svoje naredbe. Squad leaderi, odvedite svoje trupe. Službeno ime patrole je Patrola broj 224. Dismissed.“

U mračnim i neonskim bespućima nižih razina Neo Yorka vladaju nasilje i kriminal, a samo najbrži dobivaju priliku raditi prljave poslove za korporacije...

Zakon i sud su za vam pripremili doživotno članstvo u hotelu zvan "Radni Logor Retsina". Vi imate druge planove, odjaviti se na recepciji i dati petama vjetra.