Operational overview
Planewardens Corps HQ - Special Activities Branch - Confidential
Director Vandree,
new mission package has been approved and is ready for tasking. As ordered, Operation Nighthawk has been conducted by a backup team with mixed results but a new lead has opened up on Faerun for you to consider. Furthermore, the success of operation Anger Day was an important one as the individual that was leading the Chorus activities on Eberron has been positively identified as Sarkhan Vol, a powerful plainswalker. What reason he has for joining the Silent Chorus is unknown and makes little sense given what we know of him but after-action reports indicate he may not be acting on his own volition. Still for intensive purposes he is to be treated as hostile. As for the special mission to Ravnica - all arrangements have been made and Crixx Galvanvil is free to organize a field op.
As always good luck Director!
Operation Dead Reckoning
Realm: Faerun
It would seem Silent Chorus may have made their first mistake in Faerun. They attacked a merchant convoy in Thay that was en route to Pyrados. As it turns out the convoy was transporting important property of one of the Thayan Zulkirs and they have scrambled to retrieve the stolen items, however without success so far. We were contacted by an emissary that speaks on the behalf of Szass Tam himself and they have requested our aid in the matter. This is quite an opportunity and should this mission prove successful we may gain much benefit from the good graces of the Thayan supreme leader as his power and knowledge is immense. Caution is advised as Szass Tam is well known for his scheming as well as having little patience for failure.
Operation Anvil Moon
Realm: Exandria
There are increased rumors that the local criminal organization known as the Clasp has negotiated a new lucrative deal in trading smuggled Residuum glass. Apparently the shipments are sold to an unknown client and large deliveries are pouring into Kymal of all places. Given that a breach event was detected in the area recently it is not unlikely the Clasp are indeed supplying the Silent Chorus, but to what end? Send Wardens to infiltrate the Clasp and determine the identity of the client as well as put a stop to the operation.
Operation Eclipse
Realm: Athas
Research into the entity called Malephus has come up short as Sarkhan Vol disclosed only it’s name to our wardens during their last mission in Eberron. We have managed to find only obscure references to a mythical creature known as Mal’Ael-Araphus from ancient tomes that were recovered on the dying world of Athas. Our archeological experts believe these two entities may be one and the same and that more information can be retrieved from the lost libraries of the Pristine Tower located deep within the Beastbarrens region. A dangerous location in a dangerous world - will prove to be a challenging expedition for the wardens.
Operation Redline
Realm: Krynn
War is raging in the province of Qualinesti. The evil dragon Beryllinthranox leads her forces against the elven defenders. General Laurana Kanan, leader of the elven armies has been abducted in a surprise raid. Unknown assailants have managed to bypass the magical wards that protect her camp during the night and defeat her guard taking the general behind enemy lines. Signs of a Breach clearly indicate that the Silent Chorus is involved. The elves are staging a rescue mission and unbeknownst to them they will be reinforced by our Wardens. The mandate is to rescue Laurana Kanan and find out more about Chorus activity on Krynn
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