The Darkness Over Nijmauwrgen Part 1
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Teška kiša, koja već danima udara po oknima, krovovima i ulicama Slobodnog grada Nijmauwregena je napokon prestala, makar za sat-dva. Mutan mjesec boležljivog izgleda se pomolio kroz guste, crne oblake kako bi prolio svoju tamnožućkastu svjetlost po bazaltnim krovovima i zidovima obljepljenim kolomazom, dajući kućama glatki, crni sjaj.
Tek bi pokoji noćobdija ili zaostali pijanac mogao vidjeti oznojenog i zapuhanog čovječuljka sa usukanim brkovima kao vrluda labirintskim uličicama, osvrćući se kao da ga gone svi vrazi hladnih i toplih paklova.
Njegova krivudava, plaha putanja završava pred vratima svratišta Crne Kečige, gotovo na ulasku na luku. Naglo ulazi, svejedno pazeći da ga nitko nije vidio, te neobično mačjim korakom, posve neprimjerenim njegovom stasu, korača po stepenicama, ulazeći u malenu sobicu na katu. Sjeda za stol, te drhtavom rukom piše na komadu pergamenta:
Kult je otkrio moj identitet, nemam mnogo vremena. Pošaljite dobrovoljce u Crnu Kečigu, plaćam bogato za razrješavanje situacije. Opstanak Nijmauwregena cijelog čovječanstva je na kocki.
Alcantor od Zysifusa
Sa dubokim uzdahom Alcantor poseže u kavez sa crnim gavranom, veže mu pergament o nožicu i pošalje ga kroz prozor u crnu, bezdanu noć
Prva sesija ove igre održat će se u subotu, a za nastavak, ako bude potrebno, dogovorit će se naknadno s igračima.
Grab your sword and shield of bronze, don your demonic breastplate, and recall the spells you stole from Elfheim. You must get ready for battle, for the enemy is threatening everything and everyone you’ve ever known. The struggle between Law and Chaos is coming to an end, and reality itself is in danger. You may have to sell your soul, and perhaps even lose your life – but if the world is to disappear tomorrow, you and your companions will go to your doom knowing you fought til the bitter end.
Black Sword Hack UCE is a rules-lite tabletop roleplaying game for two to six players and one gamesmaster. It evolves from the old-school renaissance play style (sometimes known as adventure gaming), using straightfoward rules that are easy to modify, expand on, or ignore. It will let you run dark fantasy epics inspired by the works of old masters of the fantasy and science-fiction genre, including Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Karl Edward Wagner, Jack Vance, Robert E Howard, and many more.
The game eschews traditional classes in favour of backgrounds depending on the characters’ chosen origin: barbarian, civilised, or decadent. It is a quick and efficient way to build unique characters who will adventure in a world of your own design. Black Sword Hack also uses a Doom die mechanic to help push the envelope of traditional OSR lethality – at the risk of going too far and becoming doomed.
As a gamemaster, you are in charge of guiding your unlikely band of heroes in a world of war and decadence. What world? The one you design using the procedures detailed in Black Sword Hack! These easy to follow guidelines and inspiring random tables will spark an original setting in no time.
Your players will create a party of antiheroes who live by their swords, wits, and demonic pacts, and you’ll decide how the setting responds: which nations fight an endless war using dark sorcery, spirit alliances, or weird science (the game offers six forms of ‘magic’, including runic weapons of course). You’ll create a main antagonist and their plans to rule the world – or destroy it, or rebuild it in their own image – and challenge your players to do something about it.