Dune: House Nagara
Popunjeno 3/4 mjesta

Year 10191 AG
In the desert sands of Arrakis, the battlefield of Dune, the clash of Houses rages on. Following the Siege of Arrakeen, the remnants of House Atreides unite with the fierce Fremen in a relentless crusade against the tyrannical House Harkonnen.
Yet, amidst the tumult of Arrakis, your journey unfolds on the tranquil plains of House Nagara, a realm far removed across the expanse of the Known Universe. As esteemed figures within your House, you find yourselves thrust into an odyssey that will sculpt the destiny of your lineage and your very being.
Potrebno je znati osnove Dune svijeta barem iz Dune: Part One (2021) filma. Nije potrebno detaljnije znanje, ali je bonus ako ste pročitali knjigu Dune (1965), pogledali film Dune (1984) ili čak miniseriju Frank Herbert's Dune (2000).
Radnja igre se odvija između filmova Dune: Part One (2021) i Dune: Part Two (2024).
Nije potrebno poznavanje Dune: Adventures in the Imperium 2d20 sustava. Likovi će biti pregenerirani i samo ćete odabrati kojeg lika želite igrati.
Poželjno je donijeti do pet svojih d20 kocki, ali GM će donijeti dovoljno kocki za sve. Ništa drugo materijala nije potrebno donijeti.