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Duboko u drevnoj Dolmen-šumi, iza kamenog kruga u kojem se okupljaju zlokobni Druni, pod velikim humkom skriva se davno zaboravljena grobnica. U njoj leže blago i posmrtni ostatci plemenitog viteza Chydea. Priče ga znaju kao junaka ratova između smrtnika i vila, iz pradavnih vremena, kad su ljudi istrgli vlast nad Dolmen-šumom iz zamrzlog stiska okrutnog Hladnog Princa.
Primamljivo je to mjesto onima koji žele razotkriti tajne prošlosti (ili samo pljačkati grobove). Ali oni koji uznemiruju sveti mir ove grobnice mogli bi probuditi odavno uspavane sile. Plemeniti vitez Chyde bio je tajno zaručen s vilenjačkom kraljevnom, kćeri Hladnoga Princa. Njihove su duše čekale, dulje od smrti, dan kad bi se mogle ponovno sjediniti.
Može li tvoja skupina junaka ili vucibatina razmrsiti zagonetku grobnice u kojoj leži ubojica divova?
Igrači će na početku sessiona birati po jedan lik iz fonda prethodno napravljenih likova 1. ili 2. levela. Ako se dogodi da nečiji lik pogine za vrijeme sessiona, igrač će moći izabrati novi lik iz fonda i ponovno se priključiti avanturi.
Old-School Essentials is an adventure role-playing game of exploration, danger, monsters, and magic. The game is intentionally rules-light, putting the focus of play on imagination, improvisation, and fun. The rules are optimised for ease of use at the table, with meticulous attention to wording and layout clarity. What's more, Old-School Essentials is 100% compatible with the classic D&D Basic/Expert game from 1981, meaning that decades of adventure are at your fingertips!
The forest of Dolmenwood lies in the little-frequented northern reaches of the continent, under the rule of the Duchy of Brackenwold. Though men, with their fortresses and cathedrals, now claim dominion over this stretch of tangled woods, fungus-encrusted glades, and fetid marsh, other powers held sway here in ancient times and — some would say — remain the true masters of the realm.
Within the forest, the magical and otherworldly are always close at hand — rings of standing stones loom in glades hallowed by pagan cults of yesteryear; the energy of ley lines pulses beneath the earth, tapped by those in possession of the requisite secrets; portals to the perilous realm of Fairy allow transit between worlds, for those charmed or fated by the lords of Elfland. Even the herbs, plants, and fungi of Dolmenwood have developed in odd directions, absorbing the magic which infuses the place. Some say that the waters are enchanted. Some say the stones and the earth itself. Perhaps both are right.
Dolmenwood is a weird fairy tale campaign setting—creepy, whimsical, and psychedelic in equal measure.