Case #1: Missing kids
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

"Dobar dan. Nadam se da sam dobila detektive? Da? Ajde super. Nisam bila sigurna hoću li Vas uspjeti kontaktirati, ali eto izgleda da je Bog na našoj strani. Moje ime je Alisson Craig i zovem Vas jer mi je nestala kćer Emily. Nema je već nekoliko dana, a muž i ja smo se zabrinuli. Policija ništa ne želi napraviti oko toga. Već zadnjih dva mjeseca često nestaju djeca i vrate se nakon nekog vremena.
A čuli ste za slučaj? Jeste li onda zainteresirani prihvatiti moj? Emily nije kao sva ostala djeca."
U City High, srednjoškolci nestaju jedan za drugim. Čini se da su roditelji više zabrinuti zbog činjenice da djeca u posljednje vrijeme izostaju iz škole, te da često nestaju na nekoliko dana. No, kad bi se vratila imali bi čudne simptome slične gripi i sa čudnim stavom.
Jesu li jednostavno pobjegli od kuće ili su se zarazili nekim novim trendom?
Igrat ćete obične pojedince s legendarnim moćima i krenuti na ulice ukletog modernog grada u potrazi za odgovorima. Uz jednostavan, ali moćan sustav narativne igre i jedinstvenu motivaciju likova i mehaniku evolucije, City of Mist omogućit će vam da iskusite upravo ono što se događa kada se svakodnevni život na ulicama probudi za nedokučive mitske sile iznutra. Vaš lik je jedinstvena kombinacija događaja, mita, legende ili bajke i moderne šetnje života, poput detektiva, osvetnika ili domaćice.
Npr. možete biti aktivist koji se bori protiv zagađenja, a imate unutar sebe moći inspirirane događajem industralizacije ili možete biti profesor engleskog jezika koji ima unutar sebe moći svojeg najdražeg autora.
Prije nego što prijavite:
- Nekima bi možda bio malo apstraktan sustav, ali ako niste nikada igrali bez brige. Brzo ćete sve pohvati.
- Ukoliko želite svoje likove, javite se na Discord serveru.
- Nemojte zaboraviti svoje detektivske kapice ponijeti.
Here's the lowdown: City of Mist is tabletop RPG (TTRPG) set in a modern city where legends are real people. Heroes, tricksters, and monsters are reborn inside ordinary people, regular Joes and Janes, who gain supernatural powers connected to their legendary alter-egos.
The mystical veil of the Mist hides these miraculous powers from the other, sleepwalking residents of the City. It makes armor look like a flak vest and fire breathing like a cheap party trick or a gas leak explosion, so no-one ever knows about the legendary. Modern-day legends exploit this to run secret lives and insidious organizations behind the veil of the Mist.
This is your City: gritty, corrupt, and rife with magic and mystery.
Player characters in City of Mist are ordinary people in whom a legend has awakened. You play a unique combination of a real-life persona and a legendary Mythos, from a street-cleaner with the powers of the Monkey King to a fashion tycoon who is the incarnation of Aphrodite. Your life is a game of balance between magic and normality.
Together with your ragtag crew of Rifts, you will hit the dark streets to uncover the insidious forces at play in your City, confront ancient legends in modern-day guise, and discover what you truly are...
Inspired by super-powered noir graphic novels and TV shows, the City of Mist tabletop RPG system encourages you to get creative and experience cinematic moments with every action you take.?
Intuitive and easy to learn: suited to new and veteran players
Classless yet guided character creation: characters built purely out of descriptive tags, with dozens of improvements to choose from
Dramatic actions: choosing between different possible outcomes propels the story forward
No hit points: use descriptive conditions (physical, social, magical, emotional, etc.) with tangible game effects
Unique evolution rules: simulate the ups-and-downs of your hero's life