The Skeletons
Popunjeno 1/2 mjesta

Years fly by like dead leaves. Everything is darkness. Everything is silence. You stand vigilant before the sarcophagus without thought or breath-such is your compulsion. You do not remember your name and still you watch. The flesh has fallen off your bones and still you watch.
And then one day there is light and motion and you weigh your bearded axe and raise your shield, lusting for the fray, eager to measure your skill against these tomb-robbing children so full of blood. You’ll never be alive again, but in this moment-in the chaos between violation and destruction-you truly live, and you remember what you once were, and you taste the sun.
The Skeletons okreće uobičajeni scenarij klasičnog dungeon crawla naglavačke. Ovdje ne igrate avanturiste koji upadaju u drevnu grobnicu, već njene nemrtve zaštitnike.
Igra se odvija kroz nekoliko rundi. Između njih je samo tama i ništavilo dok vaše kosti leže godinama, stoljećima, milenijima, u iščekivanju slijedećeg uljeza koji će narušiti mir grobnice.
Kako vrijeme prolazi, tako se mijenjate i vi i vaš zagrobni dom. Sjećanja dolaze i trunu, a vrijeme polako ostavlja svoj danak.
Hoće li ostati išta od vaših kostiju ili ćete pasti kao svi oni kosturi koje ste u drugim igrama spremno sasjekli?