Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition

The fourth edition of the original dark fantasy roleplaying game, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay takes you back to the world where Chaos never sleeps. Drawing inspiration from the legendary early publications of the grimdark RPG, WFRP brings innovative twists to build on the beloved classic.
Popunjeno 3/4 mjesta
Vermintide dolazi. Vrijeme Skavena je na pomolu. Ubersreik će sutra biti preplavljen hordom Skavena
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Zajedno znate čitati, pisati, oduzimati do 32, musti krave i skrivati šilinge od lopuža - spremni ste za Schaffenfest!!
Popunjeno 3/4 mjesta
Upustite se u ovu mračnu i čarobnu avanturu gdje će svaka odluka oblikovati put, a svaka čarolija otkriti novu tajnu. Ubersreik vas čeka...
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Upustite se u ovu mračnu i čarobnu avanturu gdje će svaka odluka oblikovati put, a svaka čarolija otkriti novu tajnu. Ubersreik vas čeka...
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
You've been questing for the Grail for years and finally, it seems within your grasp.
The only things in your way now are obstinate countrymen, foul blackguards, vile sorcerers, despicable beasts, disgusting witches, and, worst of all, filthy peasants.
But by the Lady of the Lake, you will not rest until the Grail is found!
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta
Tisuće i tisuće Otapanja je prošlo od kada su Divovi sišli sa svojih planina i spasili svijet od naizgled beskonačne horde barbarskih Zelenokožaca. Iako su odavno umrli vaši preci, svjedoci toga velebnoga klanja, Sjever i dalje pamti.
Popunjeno 5/4 mjesta
You are ordered to proceed to the township of Almshof where we have received most troubling reports of Witchery, Heresy, and Consortion with the Enemy.
Interrogate the townsfolk, especially the local priestess of Rhya. Their "Old Ways" are themselves borderline witchery, tolerated simply because the common folk put so much stock into them.
Uncover any corruption that may have tainted the souls of these poor peasants and burn it out before they stray even further from the embrace of Sigmar.