Miami Bites Back

Nova noć u Miamiju, novi slučaj u neumrlom neonskom podzemlju.
Ljetna sparina sa svakim sutonom postaje sve jača, haljine sve kraće, ramena sve špičastija, a šerif Delareaux sve nespokojniji. Prvenstveno zato što je njegova Testarossa još uvijek na procjeni štete i ne zna se ima li joj spasa. Ali dijelom i zato što toliko toga iz prošlog slučaja nije razriješeno - ulicama i dalje kola nova droga, nikada nije lociran odbjegli motorist koji je krvoločno izvršio atentat na njegovu bebu (auto, naravno, ne kćer), i nitko ne zna što su zapravo smjerali vampiri koji su njega i njegov tim skoro digli u zrak.
Čije su makinacije ovdje u pitanju? Jesu li sve to samo tipična podmetanja među starosjediocima, ili neka nepoznata vanjska prijetnja? Treba li možda uzeti onaj godišnji na Bahamima napokon, i uvaliti ovaj vrući krumpir nekom drugom?
Zamišljeno se zagleda u pulsirajuća svjetla grada kroz predimenzionirane sunčane naočale, i pomisli: Heaven knows I'm no box of candy. But with all things considered, I think I may have to consider some type of... temporary working relationship.
Igrači mogu birati između 10-tak unaprijed napravljenih vampira različitih vrsta (klanova) i "političkih" opredjeljenja (covenanta). Igrači koji repriziraju imaju prednost pri odabiru likova.
Mnogo je toga u svijetu Miami Bitesa drukčije od World of Darkness kanona, tako da vam umjesto poznavanja vampirskih dinastija bolje dođe poznavanje Dinastije s Krystle i Alexis.
Koriste se d10 kockice.
Welcome to the Danse Macabre
Since time immemorial, the Kindred - vampires - have stalked their prey, unseen by the mortal masses. Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism. And you would join them? You would live forever? To play the lusts of mortals like a violinist plays the strings? Then beware, the price is steep to enter the neofeudal hell that the Damned have wrought.
Vampire: the Requiem is a personal horror story about undead predators who are caught between mourning their humanity and reveling in damnation. These vampires, Kindred, have characteristics, powers and weakness that fuel all the familiar myths but - true to World of Darkness theme - that's never the full story.
Vampires: blood-drinking creatures of the night. Horrors born of darkness, whose sole purpose in life — unlife, actually — is to slake their unholy thirst on the blood of the living. Without doubt, vampires are monsters.
Monsters, though, need not always be unthinking, unfeeling terrors empty of remorse, or even compassion or other human traits. Indeed, vampires can exceed their deathless curse, themselves becoming antiheroes or even heroes. Then again, some vampires truly remain monsters.
This is the purpose of Vampire: The Requiem. A Modern Gothic Storytelling game that allows you to explore morality through the metaphor of vampirism. In Vampire, you “play the monster,” and what you do as that monster both makes for an interesting story and might even teach you a little about your own values and those of your fellows.