Riblje redarstvo

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Riblje redarstvo

"Ako je New York k'o lonac, onda je Ribograd jednostavno - ekspresni lonac. Vjerujte, užasno je biti dobar murjak u tako ušljivom gradu."

Zaroni u podvodno podzemlje velegrada i otkrij koliko duboko sežu pipci organiziranog kriminala. Jer, netko će noćas spavati s ribama - i to ne na onaj dobar način.


Za sve nostalgičare kojima treba podsjetnik na ovaj crtić, osvježite sjećanje na: http://retroplov.com/crtani-filmovi/riblje-redarstvo/

Grab your plasma rifles, spell components, and jetpacks! Name your game; Fate Core is the foundation that can make it happen. Fate Core is a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream up. Have you always wanted to play a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western with tentacle monsters? Swords and sorcery in space? Wish there was a game based on your favorite series of books, film, or television, but it never happened? Fate Core is your answer.

Fate Core is a tabletop roleplaying game about proactive, capable people who lead dramatic lives. The type of drama they experience is up to you. But wherever they go, you can expect a fun storytelling experience full of twists…of fate.

GM: Urlana
Igrača: 4
Sustav: Fate