Trnovito more #ODG14Sestre Kuljanke

Tri jezika za okusit tamu.
Tri ruke za isplest uroke.
Tri sestre jedne utrobe.

Vistana dancer #ODG49Pet na pet

Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises. The wide eyes of a seemingly innocent child my hide a thirst for blood; the bright colors and lively steps of a Vistani dancer are no more than a front for thievery and murder.

Vistana dancer #μODG49Pet na pet

Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises. The wide eyes of a seemingly innocent child my hide a thirst for blood; the bright colors and lively steps of a Vistani dancer are no more than a front for thievery and murder.

Vistana dancer #ODG53Pet na pet

Evil comes in many forms: the cruel smile of a vampire; the chilling touch of a noncorporeal hand; the glittering eyes of a man in whom the slavering beast lives; and the shuffling footsteps of those whom science or magic has kept alive far beyond their appointed hour. Yet evil also assumes many disguises.

Uptown Radicals Ep.1 #oODG 30 10Uptown Radicals Ep. 1

Kažu da demoni nemaju dušu, i to je istina. Ali to ne znači da su nam nužno neprijatelji. Dapače, duša je ta koja može biti iskvarena i oštećena. Uzmimo naprimjer Cara — njega je besmrtnost potpuno pokvarila. Zar zaista mislimo da je život koji nam on nudi — u mračnim, izoliranim gradovima — dostojan ljudi. Zar zaista ne vjerujemo da nam može biti bolje?

Mor ODG77Mor

Kad počne stizavati mračak za mračkom i bude ih puna soba i dvor i podvornica - sve do ribnjaka na kraju šume, dolazi mi obično ona i otvori prozor!... Otvori prozor i ode bez riječi nekuda…

Dia de los Muertos #ODG84Día de los Muertos

Svatko tko je netko u Barceloni jednostavno umire da se nađe na listi njenih gostiju...

copranje ODG130Strah i copranje na Gornjem gradu

còprnica (njem. Zauberin ← zaubern: čarati)
1. vještica, čarobnica
2. ona koja ima moć da ljudima nanosi zlo