„Death is as powerful a weapon as it is an easy escape. Heroes can pass into legends, legends into

„Hail all those who are able,any mouse can,any mouse will,but the Guard prevail.“-mouse proverbU

„Death is as powerful a weapon as it is an easy escape. Heroes can pass into legends, legends into

Nije lako biti tinedžer. Hormoni, škola, roditelji, one glupače iz druge škole, tijelo vam se mijenja, vi se mijenjate. No, vi ste posebne.

"Many, many years ago, before the white man came to this part of the world, there was a great tribe of wind-walkers who dominated this land and ran it like an ice-ridden empire. The mightiest among these was a shaman who fought a terrible evil spirit..."

Što će se dogoditi kad intrige zavriju, a novopridošlica zakomplicira stare romanse i spletke, možete vidjeti u najnovijoj epizodi telenovele El Fuego del Corazon!

Televisa presenta: Los agraviados. Uzmite bolovanje, upalite televizore, i upoznajte se sa strašću i dramom koja može doći samo iz Latinske Amerike!