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Novi Zagreb, ljeto 1970., ali nije sve kako je bilo. Ljudi se voze na posao u novim električnim automobilima Zastava, model Munja. Na nebu se vide leteći tankeri kako donose rudu iz Libije za preradu u Prvomajskoj tvornici. Na televiziji Maršal pokazuje najnovije robotske vojnike koje koristi JNA. Uz sve ove razlike, neke stvari ostaju iste. Škola je gotova, ali još se ne ide na ljetovanje, i vama, lokalnoj djeci, je dosadno te se igraju po naselju. No, u kakve nevolje ćete kao djeca vi upasti i kakve opasnosti skriva Brodarski institut u Novom Zagrebu?
Igrate likove stare od 11 do 17 godina.
Nije potrebno ništa donijeti niti pripremiti.
In 1954, the Swedish government ordered the construction of the world’s largest particle accelerator. The facility was complete in 1969, located deep below the pastoral countryside of Mälaröarna. The local population called this marvel of technology The Loop.
In this roleplaying game, you play teenagers in the late Eighties, solving Mysteries connected to the Loop. Choose between character Types such as the Bookworm, the Troublemaker, the Popular Kid and the Weirdo. Everyday Life is full of nagging parents, never-ending homework and classmates bullying and being bullied. Explore the secrets of the Loop in two main game settings – one based on the Swedish Mälaren Islands, the other on Boulder City, Nevada.
The Mysteries let the characters encounter the strange machines and weird creatures that have come to haunt the countryside after the Loop was built. The kids get to escape their everyday problems and be part of something meaningful and magical – but also dangerous.