Thunderbolts: Breakout

Listen up! You're in the Thunderbolts now. The SHIELD administration decided to give you a second chance, to do something useful with your abilities. The injection you got, it's a nanite solution, courtesy of Stark Enterprises, tailored specifically for each and every one of you. It's designed to either depower you, knock you out painfully, or make you take a dirt nap with Jesus. If you behave, and do as you are told, we don't have to use it and you get a reduction of your prison sentence.
This is the deal. We're going to a bad place, because SHIELD decided they can't risk any of their assets to do the job. You might get hurt, you might get killed, but until then you're my problem. There's your stuff, grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in 20.
- Luke Cage, Thunderbolts administrator and field leader
Igrači biraju između 16 premade likova - negativaca i/ili anti-heroja iz Marvel stripovskog svemira. Nije potrebno prethodno poznavanje sustava. Isti igrači mogu igrati na oba sessiona. U slučaju da netko od originalnih igrača bude spriječen u sudjelovanju na drugom sessionu, novi igrači će ih zamijeniti i igrati nekog od likova koji nije već odabran.