Season of the witch
Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

Massachusets, 1692. Poučeni primjerom susjednog grada Salema, gradski oci Arkhama šalju na vješala notornu vješticu Hesper Payne. Prkosna do samoga kraja, Hesper je sipala kletve čak i dok su joj stavljali omču oko vrata, kunući se da će se vratiti i osvetiti se svojim krvnicima i nakon smrti. Dvjesto godina kasnije, staro Arkhamsko groblje je oskvrnuto od strane nepoznatih počinitelja...
Call of Cthulhu is a horror fiction role-playing game based on H. P. Lovecraft's story of the same name and the associated Cthulhu Mythos. The game, often abbreviated as CoC, is published by Chaosium; it was first released in 1981 and is currently in its seventh edition, with licensed foreign language editions available as well. Its game system is based on Chaosium's Basic Role-Playing (BRP), with additions for the horror genre. These include special rules for sanity and luck among others.