Operational overview
Planewardens Corps HQ - Special Activities Branch - Confidential
Acting Director’s Log
Our forces are continuing pressing the enemy. Perhaps the latest success has given much needed wind in our wings and the morale is improving. I'm trying my best to keep focus on the tasks again but but I hope the new director will arrive soon to take command. The men and women of the corps are doing so much and I feel great pride but we must press on. I've prepared an updated mission package.
Good luck to us all!
Operation: Vampire ball
Realm: Barovia
Count Strahd Von Zarovich of the Ravenloft infamy is holding a gala ball at his castle, and one of the guests of honor is none other than the Elspeth the All-Seeing, one of the main culprits responsible for the attack on our HQ. He is certainly one of the main movers-and-shakers of the Silent Chorus, and his capture should give us valuable intel, and help us bring deal a serious counterblow to our enemy. He will certainly be heavily guarded, so keep your wits about you. This is not a vengeance mission, we need him alive and unspoiled.
Operation: Retriever Blue
Realm: Shadowfell
The Realmgate is in Chorus hands and one of our priorities is to retrieve it. The Enemy thinks he got away with his prize but Teferi is attuned to the machine and can easily track it through the Multiverse, a fact that the Chorus is unaware of and will not expect us to react so swiftly. The machine is currently in the Shadowfell and is probably protected by Chorus’ elite forces backed by undead creatures which is evident from strong necrotic fields we are detecting around the target. We have an open window to sort this quickly before the enemy transports the gate away. Give them hell wardens and take our gate back!
Operation: Sandman
Realm: Astral Sea
Our efforts to track down Sarkhan Vol, one of the leaders of Silent Chorus have so far been in vain but one of our intel analysts may have deduced his location. Given the general difficulty in detecting him it is highly probable that Sarkhan is operating from a base within the Astral Sea. This is substantiated by reports from our Githzerai allies. We believe Sarkhan is holed up in a fortress on a god-isle in the Astral Plane and does not expect us. Still he is probably well guarded and is himself a powerful planeswalker so caution is advised. We know that he is being mind controlled by an ancient entity so finding a way to free him is preferable but if you are left without a choice -license to kill is in effect.
Prije same igre igrači će odlučiti na koju od tri misije idu. Likove rade sami, a detaljna uputstva mogu pronaći u opisu Planewardens: Legacy of The Gatewatch kampanje.