Operational overview
Planewardens Corps HQ - Special Activities Branch - Confidential
Director Do’Urden’s Log
Operation in the Grey Wastes was a success, with the retrieved funds we are able to finish repairs on the HQ and gain influence over the multiverse. As for the Realmgate, I have personally led a squadron to retrieve the machine which is now being safely put back into it’s rightful place. The new mission package has been received from Spymaster Dairon and all teams are ready for tasking.
We have work to do!
Operation: Whiskey Ascent
Realm: Zendikar
A group of Kor nomad warriors stumbled upon a detachment of silent Chorus operatives while navigating one of their pilgrimage routes. The Chorus was investigating one of the hedrons - mystical and ancient stone monoliths that dot Zendikar landscape before being dispatched by the Kor. Some believe these are great sources of power, some they are remains of a long lost civilisation while some believe they are used as powerful tools of magical binding. Whatever they are, we must find out why the Chorus is interested in them and put a stop at whatever their plans are
Operation: Sunflower
Realm: Elysium
A mysterious chest holding an ancient artifact has been discovered in Elysium and needs to be moved as soon as possible. It must be ensured that the package does not fall into the wrong hands, and it is up to the wardens to relocate it to a secret location. Be cautious while transporting the package! Regardless of how easy the operation might seem, hidden danger lurks in the most unlikely of places and the enemy might be drawn to the powerful magics emanating from the artifact.
Operation: Riot Game
Realm: Runeterra
Our scouts report emergence of unusual advanced technology augmented by magic called Hextech in one of the outer realms. Kyu has analysed initial reports and is keen on getting access to that technology as its nature seems fundamentally different from anything we can currently acquire through our allies in Ravnica. Go to the city of Piltover and find us a way to get a steady supply of Hextech. An official trading agreement with their authorities would be preferable but should that fail you are cleared to “improvise”. Kyu will be joining you so make sure you get him back in one piece.
Operation: Into the Maw
Realm: Oerth
The Silent Chorus has awakened a Tarrasque that is now rampaging through the city of Greyhawk. It’s carapace is nigh immune to any magical or physical attack, but its innards are soft and vulnerable. Quartermaster Kyu has developed special suits that protect the wearer from the crushing forces and caustic acid within the creature. Your mission is to enter the beast “safely” by any means available, and put a stop to the destruction.
Prije same igre igrači će odlučiti na koju od tri misije idu. Likove rade sami, a detaljna uputstva mogu pronaći u opisu Planewardens: Legacy of The Gatewatch kampanje.