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Amidst the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a dark and mysterious threat looms. The students of the second year are in peril, and now, despite their differences and the rivalries between their houses they must work together before the faculty realises what happened!
Their ultimate goal is to track down and defeat Nebulus Nox, a malevolent Dark Fairy that has (totally by accident) taken up residence in the castle, spreading chaos and danger throughout the school. It's time to use their wits and wands to put an end to the fairy's mischief before another Quiddich match goes horribly wrong!
As they delve into the mysteries of the wizarding world, the characters will find themselves navigating the corridors of Hogwarts, studying in the library's Restricted Section, and facing off against enchanted creatures from the Forbidden Forest. Along the way, they will encounter magical challenges that will test their skills and their courage, and they must relay on their knowledge of spells, potions, and magical creatures to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.
Na početku igre odrediti ćemo kojem domu pripadate, a nakon toga izabrati ćete jedan od pregeneriranih likova iz tog doma. Wands & Wizards je 5e supplement prilagođen za igranje učenika u Hogwartsu, a svi likovi su modificirane verzije Sorcerer klase iz 5e. Pripremite štapiće