For more than a hundred centuries, the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth.

Candlemass (officially called the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension) is one of the few days in the Imperium when the working masses are allowed a brief respite from their daily drudgery: a single da

The Planetary Governor of Hesperus IV, Thilo Haass, has rebelled against the Imperium, refusing to pay the tithes due and acknowledging the Emperor as his God.

Kako kaže stara poslovica iz Seshara: “Samo je jedan užas veći od pustinjskog sunca - svi užasi skriveni u pustinjskoj noći.”

Mission Imperious Comet complete. Kill-team Ordinatus requesting extraction.

Žarna Planina, neaktivni vulkan u podnožju kojeg se nalazi sveti grad Kumantaya, počinje se buditi

Ovo je i zadnje ljeto bez svjetlosnog mača, na jesen završavate prvu etapu jedi učenja i krećete u izradu osobnog oružja, simbola jedija.