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By the time they hit adolescence, most people have gotten over their fear of the dark. They spend their midnight hour on gushy phone calls, diary ramblings, and wet dreams. They fall asleep peacefully, assured that the shadows hold no monsters.
But the shadows do hold monsters. You know because you’re one of them. Wickedness dwells within your heart, hunger courses through your veins. High school weighs on you and teen drama puts you on edge, but you have power.
- Monsterhearts 2
Welcome to Forks High School! The winter solstice pyre party is just a few days away and everyone in the school is talking about it. Who is going to be invited, who's gonna hook up with whom, is it true that the queen bee is not coming, will there be drugs, is the new kid really a narc...?
Monsterhearts je PbtA igra o kaotičnim životima adolescenata koji su također, potajno, čudovišta. Igra istražuje zbunjenost i užas u situaciji kad imaš tijelo koje se mijenja bez tvoje dozvole. „Čudovišnost” u ovoj priči je doslovna: oni su vampiri, vukodlaci, vještice itd. Ali ona je također i metaforična, simbolizirajući iskustva otuđenja, srama i autodestrukcije.
Monsterhearts na siguran, diskretan i kontroliran način dotiče probleme društvenog iskustva adolescenata, kao što su netrpeljivost, sram, seksualnost, bullying, društvene stigme itd. Naravno, uz mogućnost korištenja vrlo cool moći raznih natprirodnih stvorenja.