Zadnje vrijeme se čudne stvari događaju. Prvo nekakva nepoznata bolest zatekla je lijepu našu, a nakon toga nas pogađaju i potresi? Stvarno čudna, čudna vremena.

It’s been a long, hard journey, but it’s well worth it. Anything to avoid the meat-grinder at the Pontar, right?

"Director, the Silent Chorus activity is on the rise. We are detecting breaches on new worlds now. It seems Krynn is of particular interest to the enemy and we should send a task force to counter them."

Updated mission package has been prepared. Congratulations on the success of operation Rebel Yell.

Operation Nighthawk has been conducted by a backup team with mixed results but a new lead has opened up on Faerun for you to consider...

Our new guest has already made herself at home in the Arboretum wing much to the dismay of the section chief ...

... congratulations on the success of operation Redline. Our new ambassador - Kitiara uth Matar has already started securing vital alliances in our fight against the Silent Chorus.

... It is with great sadness I must report that our Director, Lady Vandree has perished due to wounds suffered in the attack...

Our forces are continuing pressing the enemy. Perhaps the latest success has given much needed wind in our wings and the morale is improving...

General Drizzt Do’Urden has taken over command ... he is focused and eager to bring the fight to the enemy.

General Drizzt Do’Urden has taken over command ... he is focused and eager to bring the fight to the enemy.

Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change. I must admit the task at hand is much more challenging than initially evaluated ...

U hladnome mraku skrivaju se mnoge opasnosti, no složnost i snalažljivost vaše družine trebala bi vam osigurati preživljavanje.

U Bryn Shanderu, najvećem mjestu u Dolu ledenog vjetra, pustolovi se obično okupljaju u krčmi Kod veselog jetija ...